Sunday, September 23, 2007

Familja Moderne Photo 1

Familja Moderne Comedy Team
"Familja Moderne" (The Modern Family) is a very popular comedy serial televised by RTK (Kosova's national television). The serial is directed by Fatos Berisha.
Familja Moderne

Mahmut Ferati Photo 1

Mahmut Ferati - singer, composer (folk genre)
Mahmut Ferati

Leze Qena Photo 1

Leze Qena - actress, comedian
Born 1st March 1935 in Prizren, Kosovo.
Lately very popular as grandma in the "Familja Moderne" (The Modern Family) comedy serial.
Leze Qena

Remzije Osmani Photo #1

Remzije Osmani - Singer (folk genre)
+tag: remzie
Remzije Osmani